
Migrants Day Testimonial

On International Migrants Day, Hamsa told us his story: „I am a young man from Kobane, Syria. I grew up in a middle class family. All my father wanted was for me to achieve my dream in becoming a judge to defend the oppressed. I am a Syrian Kurd and Kurds have always been oppressed.…


Captain Pia: “We are overprivileged Europeans”

The captain who steered the Sea-Watch 3 to her first rescue mission off the Libyan coast in early November was Pia Klemp, a Sea-Watch activist from Bonn, Germany. She has a lot to tell about European politics in the Mediterranean… and everyday life aboard a search and rescue vessel… Only one in 100 ships in…


Massive Rescue Operation: “Now the EU has to send ships”

After a massive rescue operation on the Central Mediterranean, the Sea-Watch 3 is on route to Italy with 254 rescued people on board. Among the rescued is a baby who was born on a rubber-boat yesterday during an operation of the crew of Mission Lifeline. The situation is tense, since more departures are to be…


“Why is nobody following the money Europe spends in Greece?”

Where EU migration policies fail to protect human rights, Philippa and Eric Kempson are there to defend them. The British artists have been living on the Greek island of Lesvos for almost 20 years now. They have witnessed how the island has turned from paradise to a place of horror. Even though winter is coming,…


BREAKING: Turkish Coast Guards attack refugees

On Friday morning, members of the Turkish Coast Guard fired gunshots and physically attacked refugees outside of their territorial waters in a clear violation of Maritime and International Law. Instead of helping those in distress at sea according to UNCLOS regulations, they stirred panic and forced 20 refugees back to Turkish shores. Greek Coast Guards…
