
Status-Update 15

On Tuesday night 500 migrant people arrived on the island in an operation involving no less than five search and rescue vessels. As the fair weather and favourable sea conditions prevail more migrant people putting to sea in the coming days is expected.

Status-Update 14

The Sea Watch vessel left the Port of Carboneras on 6 June. She is expected to arrive in Lampedusa on or around the 15 June (AGW) with preparations on the Island continuing in anticipation of her imminent arrival. (Copyright screenshot =


Status-Update 13

Members of the Sea Watch team arrived in Lampedusa after a combined road and sea trip starting in Hamburg, taking in Genoa, Palermo, and Porto Empedocle and finally ending on the Island of Lampedusa.

Status-Update 12

Yesterday, an estimated 3500 people were rescued off the coast of Libya. At 19:00L the first rescue boats arrived in Lampedusa followed by further arrivals at 0100L this morning.

Status-Update 11

After seemingly ending the day with a brief media interview and meeting with one of Save the Children’s representatives working at the Island’s purposely built refugee camp, Harald, Peter and I headed off for a well-earned pizza and glass of wine. What came next was an unexpected event.