
#World Refugee Day

The humanitarian crisis at Europe’s borders demands a humanitarian answer. Share the demands of our network for a humane migration policy with your family, friends, local politicians on World Refugee Day!   PREFACE All the demands we outline here – as NGOs involved in alleviating suffering and rescuing persons in distress in the Mediterranean –…


Sea-Watch Conference on World Refugee Day

The European Union has dedicated itself to keeping migrants at arm’s length – whatever the price. The central Mediterranean is the setting for this policy of isolation, which has already claimed the lives of 1,808 people this year alone. Without civil sea rescue organisations like Sea-Watch, the death toll at the borders of Europe would…


“How do you prepare for a Sea-Watch Mission?”

How do Sea-Watch activists prepare for a mission? Media coordinator Theresa tried to find out – and discovered all sorts of answers. One thing is for sure: you can never be fully prepared for the uncertainty of a humanitarian crisis at sea…   This is what a sailor’s suitcase looks like: Peter, the mechanic, has…


Sea-Watch auf dem Kirchentag in Berlin

Für eine Minute soll es totenstill werden vor dem Berliner Hauptbahnhof. In sechs Tagen werden wir der mehr als 10.000 Menschen gedenken, die in den letzten drei Jahren auf ihrer Flucht nach Europa ums Leben gekommen sind. Gemeinsam mit einem breiten Bündnis von kirchlichen und nichtkirchlichen Organisationen stehen wir auf gegen das Sterben im Mittelmeer: Am…
