
Updates on the situation in the Mediterranean

In recent days and weeks, events came thick and fast on Europe’s deadliest sea border in terms of civil rescue at sea, and a number of landmark decisions are imminent. For this reason we make a summary of recent developments in the Mediterranean. The most important developments: Sea-Watch saves more than 300 people, rescue shows…


Sea-Watch parte in missione nonostante gli ostacoli al soccorso in mare

La nave di soccorso Sea-Watch 3 è partita in mattinata per una nuova missione nel Mediterraneo Centrale. Sea-Watch è sempre più preoccupata per i recenti sviluppi in mare, dove il nuovo ruolo attribuito alla Guardia Costiera Libica risulta in maggiori respingimenti e rende difficoltose le operazioni, mettendo a rischio innanzitutto le persone soccorse, ma anche…


Sea Watch Mission Starts Despite Impediment of Sea Rescue

The Sea-Watch 3 will depart today for a new rescue mission in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Sea-Watch is increasingly concerned about recent developments at sea, where the new role attributed to the Libyan Coast Guard results in increasing push-backs and distressing circumstances during operations, for both the people rescued and the NGOs’ rescuers. It remains…


Maggie and the sea

Maggie, 31, has been actively engaged against fortress Europe for years. She studies Arabic in Tunisia and is one of the founders of the Watch the Med Alarmphone. When during her shifts on the Alarmphone she has been in contact with people in distress, she longed for nothing more than a ship or a helicopter…
