
Status-Update 15.12.2015: Three boats despite heavy waves

Course of the Sea-Watch Rescue – 15.12.2015 Fairly heavy waves in the morning. We found three boats, the first one was running full of water. In cooperation with Proactiva Open Arms we guided them safely to Chapel Beach. On the third boat, very close to the Turkish mainland, the motor was not working because they…


Status-Update 14.12.2015: Sinking Boat in the Aegean

[youtube id=”zDvX8GprCFw” align=”right” mode=”lazyload-lightbox” autoplay=”no” grow=”yes”] Today again many boats were leaving to Lesbos from Turkish mainland. Three of them were accompanied by Sea-Watch. One boat was already sinking at our arrival which forced us to immediately take people on board. Women and children were transferred to our RHIB, other passengers were taken by Proactiva…


Status-Update 17.11.2015: Operational conditions on Lesbos

Since the beginning of the week our RIB is finally ready to operate from the harbour of Molyvos, Lesbos. We submitted our official papers to the coast guard. And we have already started to build up a functioning network of volunteers and other organizations, such as the Spanish rescuers of ProActiva Open Arms.


On October 13 at midday the Sea-Watch Team gathered in Berlin on the shore of the Spree, the river crossing the city, right in front of the German Bundestag. That is the building where all relevant political decisions are taken, as the ones that recently have been remodeling the German policy with regards to immigration.…
