
We’ll Come United!

++BREAKING+++ On Monday night, the Crew of Sea-Watch 1 saved 27 refugees in distress off the Greek island of Kos. +++BREAKING+++ Since the 30th of August 120 people have been missing – this was reported by the only survivor, who was able to reach Tunisia by swimming. +++BREAKING+++ The routes to Europe are changing: Romanian…


Number of rescues in Aegean Sea increases

+++BREAKING+++ Sea-Watch is called to rescue 27 refugees in the Aegean Sea Laila* was standing on the deck of the Sea-Watch 1, shivering. When boatdriver Ben took her hand, she didn’t let go. Laila has seen a lot more awful things than a German rescue ship in her life. But last night, she was scared…


Breaking News of the Week

The EU-Turkey-Deal was supposed to end the dying in the Aegean Sea. But still people are risking their life on their way to journey. The number of peoplecoming from Turkey to Greece are increasing again: In August 3121 arrived on the Aegean Islands. While hundred of thousands are waiting in Turkey the EU is proud…


Sea Watch 1: Monitoring Dirty Deals

In Autumn 2015, Sea-Watch began a maritime rescue operation with speedboats off the coast of Lesbos, Greece. In just five months, we were able to save around 4,000 people from drowning. After the EU-Turkey deal in March 2016, the numbers of refugees declined sharply, so we reduced our engagement to observing the situation and put our…
