Reederei VROON mitschuldig an illegaler Rückführung

VOS Triton bringt 170 Personen durch illegalen „Push-back by Proxy“ nach Libyen zurück Ein Bericht von Mediterranea Saving Humans, Watch The Med – Alarm Phone & Sea-Watch Am 14. Juni 2021 wurden etwa 170 Menschen, nachdem sie von dem Handelsschiff VOS TRITON in internationalen Gewässern gerettet worden waren, an die sogenannte Libysche Küstenwache übergeben und…

Crimes of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex in the Central Mediterranean Sea

Insights into their ongoing and unpunished aerial complicity in human rights violations Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, has the task of preventing people on the move from crossing the external borders of the European Union. In the Central Mediterranean, Frontex is not currently present with naval assets but rather operates aerial reconnaissance aircraft which…

Airborne Annual Report 2020

Airborne is a department of Sea-Watch e.V. which monitors the Central Mediterranean using the reconnaissance aircraft Moonbird and Seabird, in order to document human rights violations and spot people in distress. These operations are conducted together with the Swiss NGO Humanitarian Pilots Initiative. The purpose of the following Annual Report 2020 is to provide an overview…