
Hier findet ihr alle unsere (Status-)Meldungen in der Übersicht.

Airborne Factsheet Merchant Vessels 2020

Merchant Vessel Involvement in Sea Rescue Operations  Overview of relevant cases spotted by Airborne Operations in 2020 Due to the seizure of NGO vessels and the lack of a state-led European Search-and-Rescue (SAR) programme, operations which retrieve people from distress at sea currently rely primarily on the shipping industry. Captains and crews of merchant vessels…


Airborne Factsheet November 2020 – January 2021

This factsheet presents a summary of distress cases witnessed by Sea-Watch’s Airborne crew from the aircraft Moonbird.* From November 2020 to January 2021, primarily due to bad weather in the Central Mediterranean Sea, we flew only 16 missions with a total flight time of 73 hours and 22 minutes. We spotted around 165 persons in…


Airborne Jahresbericht 2023

Der Airborne-Jahresbericht 2023 gibt einen Überblick über die von uns dokumentierten Menschenrechtsverletzungen im zentralen Mittelmeer.   Der Bericht analysiert das Jahr 2023 unter migrationspolitischen Gesichtspunkten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Externalisierung der europäischen Grenzen und deren Kontrolle liegt. Anhand exemplarischer Fälle werden in vier Kapiteln die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Jahr 2023 skizziert: die anhaltende…


Airborne Monthly Factsheet August 2020

This factsheet outlines a summary of the distress cases witnessed in August 2020 by Sea-Watch’s Airborne crew with Moonbird. In August 2020 we flew 18 missions, with a total flight time of 81 hours and 43 minutes. We spotted around 704 persons in distress. Download Full Report Overview of the distress cases and empty boats…


Airborne Monthly Factsheet August 2021

This factsheet outlines a summary of the distress cases witnessed in August 2021 by Sea-Watch’s Airborne crews with their two aircraft Moonbird and Seabird. In August 2021 we conducted 13 operations, with a total flight time of 78 hours and 22 minutes. We spotted at least 1.030 persons in distress aboard 24 different boats. Download…
