Live from the Sea-Watch 2: Treacherous calm

6:30 (4:30 UTC) in the morning announced the bridge that’s scary quiet. Hardly waves but only SAR and Warships in sight. At about 9 pm (7 UTC) the ‪Sea-Watch 2‬ course took a few points on the radar, whereby you doing actually emanated from fishing boats. Shorty thereafter it goes very quickly. The calmness had…

Live from the Sea-Watch 2: Burning boats

At 6 am the sixth crew of the Sea-Watch 2 spotted the first boat. The speedboat was not even in the water, as there were already four boats for our crews to deal with. After the first two boats were supplied (each about 120 people including pregnant women and children) with life jackets, our crew…

Sea-Watch Newsletter · June 2016

Dear Sea-Watch supporters, The following is a short summary of our recent projects in addition to events influencing our present activities. Owing to alarming developments recently, we have been forced to extend our rescue capacities in the central Med; we have acquired and equipped an airplane to be transferred to North Africa for our mission.…