Crimes of Malta 06

#CrimesOfMalta: A boat in distress is apparently supplied with 64 life jackets by the Maltese armed forces and then left alone – Malta shows itself once again from its most inhuman side: instead of rescuing, they only distribute life jackets. 29.08.2020: Our Moonbird spots a completely overloaded wooden boat in the Maltese Search and Rescue…

Crimes of Malta 05

#CrimesOfMalta: A boat in distress is intercepted by the so-called Libyan Coast Guard in the Maltese Search and Rescue Zone – illegally. Rightfully, Malta would be responsible for the rescue. 28 August 2020: Our Moonbird spots a completely overloaded wooden boat in the Maltese Search and Rescue Zone. Close by, she also sights a ship…

Submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on Malta’s violation of rights

Together with the Border Violence Monitoring Network, Sea-Watch has submitted a joint report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding Malta’s continued violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The report concludes that despite ratifying the ICCPR, the continued illegal pushback of refugees carried out by Maltese authorities or third parties…