Open Letter to Frontex Director Hans Leijtens

Dear Hans Leijtens, As of today, you are the new Executive Director of Frontex. Your agency has been involved in the countless scandals, entailing the attempts to hide the agency’s involvement in the innumerable violations of the human rights of the people on the move. These scandals range from the involvement in the pushbacks in…

Update aus der Werft: Ein Rettungsschiff entsteht!

Die Sea-Watch 5 liegt seit Dezember in einer Werft in Flensburg. Dort wird sie von zahlreichen engagierten Freiwilligen für ihren Einsatzzweck umgebaut und unseren Bedürfnissen an ein Rettungsschiff angepasst. Bis zu 40 Personen gleichzeitig sind aktuell an unterschiedlichen Baustellen auf dem Schiff tätig. Schweißarbeiten auf dem Achterdeck der SW5. Das Deck wird ca. 30cm erhöht,…

Statement: New Italian government decree will cause more deaths in the Mediterranean Sea

NEW DECREE OBSTRUCTS LIFESAVING RESCUE EFFORTS AT SEA AND WILL CAUSE MORE DEATHS We, civil organisations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean Sea, express our gravest concerns regarding the latest attempt by a European government to obstruct assistance to people in distress at sea. A new law decree, signed by the…

‘Call to let people drown’ – Italy’s new Government Decree attacks people on the move and rescue organizations

The civil rescue organization Sea-Watch sharply criticizes the decree passed by the ultra-right Italian government on Dec. 28, 2022. This decree provides that rescue organizations face severe penalties if they do not immediately leave the search and rescue zone after an initial rescue. Shortly before, the government had already introduced a new practice dealing with…