Sea-Watch 3 leaves Malta

The Sea-Watch 3 was cleared to leave Malta after 3 month of unlawful detention to undergo repairs and refits in a Spanish shipyard and left Valetta port this morning, 7 am local time. Meanwhile the deathrate on the central mediterranean is at record high. The Dutch-flagged, 50-meter rescue vessel Sea-Watch 3 had been blocked from…

Sea-Watch reconnaissance aircraft Moonbird manages to resume operations, while death rate climbs to record high

More than 3 months, the reconnaissance aircraft Moonbird, operated by Sea-Watch in cooperation with the Swiss Humanitarian Pilots Initiative, was prevented from operation by the Maltese government without providing any legal ground. With the crackdown on civil sea rescue, meanwhile, the death rate at Europe’s sea border reached its record high of one out of…

Dead body likely indicates new shipwreck

A dead body, found yesterday by the civil surveillance aircraft Colibri, likely indicates a new shipwreck in the central mediterranean sea. The lack of suitable rescue assets and the blockade of the civil rescue fleet, turn the central Mediterranean into a deadly black box: Several shipwrecks occurred, since Malta is blocking rescue vessels from doing…