Sea-Watch calls on EU Commission: Send decommissioned cruise ships to evacuate camps in Greece

While the Corona crisis is keeping Europe in suspense, the suffering of those seeking international protection and the humanitarian disaster at Europe’s borders are fading into the background. In Camp Moria on Lesbos alone, designed for a maximum of 3,000 people, over 20,000 people are currently living without adequate access to water, basic hygiene facilities…

The alliance United4Rescue has a rescue ship

The “Poseidon” will soon be saving lives in the Mediterranean In a covert bidding process, the alliance United4Rescue and the sea rescue organisation Sea-Watch were able to purchase the former research vessel “Poseidon”. The hashtag of the alliance #WirSchickenEinSchiff („We send a ship“) is to become reality this spring.   Until the end of 2019,…