
Where are all the advocates for European values?

Lion demands more humanitarian radicalism We meet Lion Kircheis in the small kitchen of the Sea-Watch office in Berlin, a cup of filter coffee in his hands. For others, it is the end of the working day soon. Lion will probably stay longer tonight, as usual. The 23-year-old would not refuse to work overtime, not…


Imaginary Criminals: Sea-Watch considers legal steps against attorney Zuccaro

In an interview with the Italian Newspaper “La Stampa”, the italian attorney Carmelo Zuccaro repeatedly made imaginary accusations concerning a supposed cooperation among civil rescue organisations and smugglers. Thereby, he takes part in a campaign that defames those who rescue lives. For a representative of a sovereign judiciary this is not just unworthy but illegitimate.…


Dear Mr. Fabrice Leggeri,

We, as representatives of the private aid organisations Sea-Watch and Jugend Rettet, which are operating in the field of humanitarian assistance at the Central Mediterranean, are addressing this open letter directly to you. Yours as well as our organisations are active in the same area at sea, therefore it is necessary to reconcile our all…
