Every day, people are forced to risk their lives as they take up the daunting challenge of crossing the Mediterranean Sea in search of safety. They desperately board unseaworthy boats, are exposed to wind and weather, and suffer poisoning from petrol gas. Days pass without food or water, while the dangers multiply with every extra minute they spend off solid ground.
We know this. You know this. Europe knows this, yet nothing is done to stop the drowning from unfolding. Instead of providing refuge, the European Union has continued to tighten its grip on borders, cruelly standing by and allowing the deaths of tens of thousands of people each year. And as if that were not enough, the EU is cooperating with militias and autocrats to unlawfully deter people from fleeing.
The signs of this disaster are all around us, we see it when bodies wash up on the pristine shores of our favourite holiday destinations, we see it in the news when the coast guard topples a boat before it reaches the shore and we see it when the government enacts policies that deprive people seeking asylum of their basic human rights.
‘THE WARNING SIGNS ARE CLEAR’ confronts us with this ongoing crisis and aims to reach an audience thoroughly desensitised to images of death in a novel yet familiar way. Using simple, universally understood pictograms, this campaign highlights not only the deadly risks faced by those attempting the crossing but also the apathy and ignorance that perpetuate this tragedy.
Sea-Watch was founded in 2014 by a group of volunteers who could no longer stand idly by and watch the calculated dying in the Mediterranean Sea while leading EU politicians spread fear and hate. We have saved over 45,000 lives from the perilous waters of the Mediterranean Sea. You too can help us rescue thousands of lives from an untimely death with one simple donation. Your contribution, however big or small, is extremely valuable as it allows us to continue our operation of ensuring that no one drowns in the quest for safety and freedom – a basic human right.
Donate now or become a supporting member! With a supporting membership, you ensure that we can plan our operations safely and for the long term.
Spread the message

Drowning in Progress
Every year, thousands of people lose their lives as they undertake a perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea in search of a safe haven.

Drowning in Progress
Every year, thousands of people lose their lives as they undertake a perilous journey across the Mediterranean Sea in search of a safe haven.

Border Violence Found here
Every day, Frontex and the so-called Libyan coastguard turn their backs on humanity by perpetuating the worst kinds of violence against innocent people in search of a better life.

Border Violence Found here
Every day, Frontex and the so-called Libyan coastguard turn their backs on humanity by perpetuating the worst kinds of violence against innocent people in search of a better life.

Human Rights not Found
The EU claims that Human Rights are for all, fundamentally and universally. Yet many people from outside Europe seeking refuge are denied their basic protections.

Human Rights not Found
The EU claims that Human Rights are for all, fundamentally and universally. Yet many people from outside Europe seeking refuge are denied their basic protections.

No one is paying any
Governments evade scrutiny of their immigration policies as media coverage of the Mediterranean crisis remains low. This creates a vicious cycle that perpetuates injustice. You can help put an end to it by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

No one is paying any
Governments evade scrutiny of their immigration policies as media coverage of the Mediterranean crisis remains low. This creates a vicious cycle that perpetuates injustice. You can help put an end to it by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

For 4000 km loss of Human Rights
Violence, illegal pushbacks, neglect, and leaving people to die. Those on the move are stripped of their rights in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. Human rights are universal — support the fight for justice.

For 4000 km loss of Human Rights
Violence, illegal pushbacks, neglect, and leaving people to die. Those on the move are stripped of their rights in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. Human rights are universal — support the fight for justice.

Stop Scrolling Past Kills
The algorithms keep us contained in informational echo chambers, diverting our attention away from important issues like the ongoing crisis in the Mediterranean. You can help shine a light on it by donating today.

Stop Scrolling Past Kills
The algorithms keep us contained in informational echo chambers, diverting our attention away from important issues like the ongoing crisis in the Mediterranean. You can help shine a light on it by donating today.

No Safe Escape Routes
Every year, thousands of people brave unimaginable obstacles in their quest for safety as racist politics turn a harrowing journey across the Mediterranean Sea into a deadly one.

No Safe Escape Routes
Every year, thousands of people brave unimaginable obstacles in their quest for safety as racist politics turn a harrowing journey across the Mediterranean Sea into a deadly one.

Ignorance Ahead
In today’s fast-paced news cycle, the tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea are not receiving the attention they deserve. Let this be your reminder: People are dying at sea. You can help save lives by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

Ignorance Ahead
In today’s fast-paced news cycle, the tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea are not receiving the attention they deserve. Let this be your reminder: People are dying at sea. You can help save lives by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

EU Borders can be Fatal
Fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea is deadly. And yet it remains the only way out for many people. The hope of a life in safety and freedom drives them onto unseaworthy boats – into death. Do you want safe passage for all people? Donate Now. #TheWarningSignsAreClear

EU Borders can be Fatal
Fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea is deadly. And yet it remains the only way out for many people. The hope of a life in safety and freedom drives them onto unseaworthy boats – into death. Do you want safe passage for all people? Donate Now. #TheWarningSignsAreClear

The EU unjustly targets search and rescue operations, blocking ships and fining crews to sabotage their life-saving missions in the Mediterranean Sea. You can help put an end to this injustice by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

The EU unjustly targets search and rescue operations, blocking ships and fining crews to sabotage their life-saving missions in the Mediterranean Sea. You can help put an end to this injustice by donating today. #TheWarningSignsAreClear, this is your chance to act.

Mass Grave Zone Ahead
Over 30,000 lives have been lost in the Mediterranean Sea. These deaths are a heartbreaking reminder of how little has been done to protect people seeking safety.

Mass Grave Zone Ahead
Over 30,000 lives have been lost in the Mediterranean Sea. These deaths are a heartbreaking reminder of how little has been done to protect people seeking safety.

Narrow Chance of Survival
Overcrowded, unseaworthy boats, gas fume poisoning, starvation, and drowning are just a few of the countless dangers faced by those attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

Narrow Chance of Survival
Overcrowded, unseaworthy boats, gas fume poisoning, starvation, and drowning are just a few of the countless dangers faced by those attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

Racist border policies kill: People on the move are discriminated against, dehumanized, and deprived of their rights. Pushbacks, violence, and leaving people to die in the Mediterranean Sea are direct consequences. Stand in solidarity against right-wing hate.

Racist border policies kill: People on the move are discriminated against, dehumanized, and deprived of their rights. Pushbacks, violence, and leaving people to die in the Mediterranean Sea are direct consequences. Stand in solidarity against right-wing hate.

Deadly Borders
Every day, people fleeing rape, torture, slavery, and death are forced back to the horrors they risked everything to escape by Frontex and the so-called Libyan coastguard. You can help safeguard their passage by donating today.

Deadly Borders
Every day, people fleeing rape, torture, slavery, and death are forced back to the horrors they risked everything to escape by Frontex and the so-called Libyan coastguard. You can help safeguard their passage by donating today.

of political Failure
Politicians have deliberately ignored the crisis unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea despite the mounting evidence of inhumane violence against innocent people at EU borders.

of political Failure
Politicians have deliberately ignored the crisis unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea despite the mounting evidence of inhumane violence against innocent people at EU borders.