
A strong civil fleet which stands against letting people die in the Mediterranean

We are committed to ensuring that no one has to die crossing Europe’s sea borders and that the European Union finally enables safe escape routes and freedom of movement for all people. We want to encourage fellow activists to do the same. That is why, in line with our goals, we pass on funds to other organisations and initiatives that are committed to the long-term and sustainable strengthening of the civilian fleet.

Application phase 2024

The application phase for 2024 has been completed – thank you to everyone who submitted applications!

We are now entering the evaluation phase. We will provide feedback to all those who have submitted an application, likely in November. Please understand that we cannot provide any information on the status of a decision before then.

How to get funding

Check whether your project aligns with our funding programme:

At least one of these criteria must be met:

  • Your project serves to save human lives from distress at sea and dangerous situations.
  • Your project strengthens the civil fleet, for example by developing or expanding relevant infrastructure.
  • Your project pursues new operational avenues for enabling freedom of movement to Europe for refugees.

These requirements must all be met:

  • Your project’s impact goes beyond the individual case.
  • You either have non-profit status or are based at an organisation that has non-profit status. You can also submit an application if you do not yet have proof of non-profit status but have already applied for it.
  • In any case, proof of non-profit status must be provided at the latest when the funding is disbursed.
  • You are neither in a liquidity crisis nor have you already filed for insolvency.
    For projects in the field of sea rescue: You ensure compliance with certain guidelines.

The legal basis is our funding guideline.

Submit the following documents:

  • Application form
  • Costs and financing plan for your project
    • Please provide an overview of your project’s budget:
      • What are the project’s income and expenses?
      • What exactly will the requested amount be used for?
      • What other funding does the project receive apart from the funding requested from Sea-Watch e.V.?
      • If the project goes beyond the funding phase of Sea-Watch e.V.: What are the plans for further financing?
  • Declaration
  • Proof of non-profit status
    • Organisations based in Germany:
      • Either a notice of exemption dated no more than five years ago, or
      • A notice confirming compliance with the statutory requirements in accordance with Section 60a (1) AO, dated no more than three years ago (this notice is only valid as proof if the organisation has not previously been granted a notice of exemption).
    • Organisations in other EU countries:
      • Proof of non-profit status from a tax authority
    • Organisations based in a country outside the European Union:
      • Confirmation that the activity is considered a non-profit organisation under German law in accordance with Section 52 AO. Please contact and we will send you a corresponding template.
    • You can also submit an application if you do not yet have proof of your non-profit status. Please briefly explain the processing status and expected time frame. Please note that the proof must be submitted at the latest when the grant is paid out.
  • Your statutes

Please send us the complete documents in a single e-mail to

We process personal data as part of the application process and the funding of your project. Please read the relevant section of our data protection declaration.