Foto: Selene Magnolia

Your Corporate Donation Saves Lives!

Sea-Watch has been active in the central Mediterranean Sea since 2015, rescuing people in distress at sea and standing in solidarity with people on the move. To date, we have been involved in the rescue of over 45,000 people.

We will not stop rescuing as long as people have to risk their lives in search of safety.

With your corporate donation, you will help us to finance further rescue operations at the deadliest border in the world!

Great Reasons to Get Involved with Your Company:

  • You are directly supporting civil sea rescue efforts.
  • You demonstrate to your employees and customers that you stand in solidarity with people in flight.
  • As a German company, your donation is tax-deductible.

Make a Statement with Your Corporate Donation!

Donate Now as a Company

Make your donation through our online donation form or by transferring your contribution directly:

IBAN: DE63 4306 0967 1239 7690 03
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
Account Holder: Sea-Watch e.V.

Request Communication Materials

After making a donation through the online form or via bank transfer, feel free to contact us, and we will send you communication materials upon request.

Your contact person: Anita Klaus

Corporate Guidelines

We review your company to ensure alignment with our values and principles. Based on this, we do not accept donations from certain industries. Additionally, we decline donations from companies, foundations, or associations whose activities contradict our values and principles.

Your Corporate Donation

FundraisingBox Logo

Examples of Donations

With €500, we can provide 17 individuals with a new set of clothing: a warm sweater, pants, a T-shirt, socks, and underwear.

With €3,000, you can cover the medical treatment for 12 individuals suffering from chemical burns. These burns are common and result from a mixture of gasoline and seawater.

With €10,000, we can lease three lifeboats for one year for our new ship. Each lifeboat has the capacity to rescue up to 60 people from drowning.

With €150,000, we can deploy our reconnaissance aircraft, Seabird, up to 20 times a month. This supports rescue operations and documents human rights violations.

Foto: Fabian Melber
Photo: Fabian Melber

How Your Company Can Help Us:

  • In-Kind Donations:*: Support our rescue operations with urgently needed materials. Contact us for more information on the equipment currently required.
  • A Strong, Collaborative Network: Do you share our vision of a compassionate Europe? Then help us spread the word by sharing our initiatives with your network!


*If the in-kind donations support our statutory purpose, we can also issue a donation receipt for these contributions. If you’re unsure, please feel free to ask for more details.


FAQ Company Donations

How Can Companies Support Sea-Watch?

You Can Support Us By:

  • Making a one-time or recurring donation online.
  • Hosting your Christmas party, company anniversary, or summer event in support of Sea-Watch. We are happy to assist with materials such as donation boxes and flyers.

How Do We Decide Whether to Accept or Decline Your Donation?

We review each corporate donation for its source and alignment with our principles and values. Depending on the donation amount, an appropriate internal review process is conducted based on defined criteria. In line with our principles, we do not accept donations from certain industries, such as the arms and defense sectors.

This also applies to foundations and associations associated with these rejected industries. Additionally, we do not accept donations from companies whose activities contradict our values and principles, regardless of the industry, and we decline any form of cooperation.

If you are unsure whether Sea-Watch can accept donations from your company, organization, or foundation, please contact us before making a donation. Thank you!

Can companies deduct donations for tax purposes?

Yes, donations to Sea-Watch by German companies are tax-deductible. Sea-Watch e.V. is recognized as a charitable organization by the Berlin Tax Office for Corporations.

The tax exemption certificate from March 30, 2020, confirms the charitable status of Sea-Watch e.V. A donation receipt serves as proof, which we provide to companies: either upon direct request after approximately four weeks or as an annual receipt in the spring of the following year. If you require a donation receipt, please include your address with your transfer.

For donations up to and including €300, you can use this simplified proof of donation. Simply print it out and submit it along with a copy of your bank statement to the tax office. This helps us keep administrative and postal costs low. Thank you!

Can companies use the Sea-Watch logo?

To use our association’s logo and communication materials, a usage agreement must be signed. This agreement outlines the permitted placement of the logo and the organization’s name. Contact us if you wish to publicly communicate your support for Sea-Watch, and we will discuss the possible forms of public recognition.

Contact Us

Your Contact Person: Anita Klaus

Why No Phone Number?
Since Sea-Watch was founded, we have received countless calls, which eventually led us to remove all phone numbers from our website. Please send me an email, and I will be happy to call you back personally if you wish. Thank you for your understanding.