[youtube id=”zDvX8GprCFw” align=”right” mode=”lazyload-lightbox” autoplay=”no” grow=”yes”] Today again many boats were leaving to Lesbos from Turkish mainland. Three of them were accompanied by Sea-Watch. One boat was already sinking at our arrival which forced us to immediately take people on board. Women and children were transferred to our RHIB, other passengers were taken by Proactiva Open Arms. Everyone was brought to land safely. The passage of the Aegean is still life-threatening and must be replaced by safe escape routes.


Sea-Watch caravan for Lesbos

Many refugees reach ‪Lesbos‬ all wet and hypothermic. Sea-Watch converted a caravan which is now on its way to Lesbos, estimated arrival is the end of this week. In the caravan refugees will have the opportunity to get hot drinks and receive dry clothes and equipment for their further journey to Central Europe.

Sea-watch.org Camper


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