Sea-Watch Project Report 2023

On 40 pages – with the help of pictures and illustrations – you will gain exciting insights into our work.

  • On pages 6-7 you will find an overview of our current demands to the German government and the European Union.
  • How many lives were saved in which operation? On pages 8-9 you will find the year “2023 in figures”.
  • On pages 10-11, Board member Vera Weithas looks at the worrying political developments in her essay “Lurching to the right – time to turn the tide” and emphasizes why it is important to speak out now.
  • Numerous activists have their say in the new project report and describe personal impressions of their operations: You can read about the first rescue of the Sea-Watch 5 and a harrowing airplane operation on pages 14-19.
  • What do we do on land? On pages 21-27, we explain the measures our advocacy team is taking on the CEAS reform and current developments in Tunisia, and report on events and campaigns.
  • On pages 28-35, we illustrate how much our work costs each year and how we use donations in a safe and targeted manner.