Every year, thousands of people drown while fleeing across the Mediterranean. Violence at Europe’s external borders serves to isolate and is financed by the EU.
For more than nine years, we have been working on the world’s deadliest border and rescuing people – filling a gap that is intended by the state. At the same time, we demand rescue operations from responsible European institutions and publicly campaign for legal escape routes and freedom of movement.
In addition to civil sea rescue operations with our ships, Sea-Watch 5 and Aurora, we document human rights violations over the Mediterranean with our Seabird 1 & 2 aircraft and publicize them. This enables us to influence socio-political discourse, build public pressure, and sue actors like Frontex.
We also promote cooperation and exchange with other sea rescue organizations and strengthen solidarity networks.
Our vision is a world in which borders, racism, injustice, and inequality are overcome, and all people can live and move freely and safely in a self-determined way. For us, solidarity without borders means supporting all people in their fight for this vision.
Sea-Watch is politically and religiously independent and is financed by donations. One thing is clear to us: as long as people are drowning at Europe’s external borders, we will continue our work.
You can find more information about our work in our current project report.