As weather conditions in the Mediterranean Sea rapidly deteriorated about 50 nautical miles from the Libyan shoreline, the Sea-Watch 4 this morning concluded its third rescue in less than 48 hours. Almost 100 people were drifting in a flimsy rubber boat between the Sabratah and Farwah oil fields. In the night, the passengers of the boat had called and informed AlarmPhone about their distress and position. After AlarmPhone had informed the responsible authorities, the standby oil field vessel VOS Triton spotted the boat in the early morning hours. The fast rescue boat Louise Michel arrived on scene soon after and stabilised the situation, providing the passengers with life vests and closely observing the boat's condition, until the arrival of the Sea-Watch 4. With the first light of the day the Sea-Watch and MSF crew then started the evacuation of the rubber boat, which was complicated by a heavy 2 meter swell. Nonetheless, all people were safely transferred to the Sea-Watch 4. The majority of the rescued people were weak and disoriented, smelling strongly of gasoline and exhibiting symptoms of fuel inhalation. Upon preliminary assessment by MSF medics, emergency showers were provided for almost everyone, and the team will continue to monitor for fuel burns and effects of intoxication from exposure to gasoline fumes. The majority of those rescued this morning are in poor condition, suffering from seasickness and dehydration, and report not having had food or water for an extended period. At least 30 people were suffering from hypothermia. Had it not been for this coordinated action of non-state actors, the people on board this rubber raft would most likely never have reached land again.
Photo: Chris Grodotzki

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Grâce à mon adhésion en tant qu’adhérent à l’association Sea-Watch e.V. Je souhaite soutenir de manière régulière le sauvetage en mer en Méditerranée. Je peux ainsi m’assurer que les missions de recherche et sauvetage (SAR) continuent de fonctionner indépendamment des fonds gouvernementaux, exclusivement par le biais de dons et de contributions, et qu’elles sont sécurisées à long terme!

En tant quʼadhérent, je suis libre et indépendant de déterminer ma contribution mensuelle (min. 5 €). Je peux modifier ou annuler mon adhésion à tout moment.

Je prend note que ma contribution est pour l’instant seulement déductible des impôts allemands et que le formulaire est à ce jour seulement disponible en anglais.


Maximilian Brase et lʼéquipe de levée de fonds

Ce que votre don régulier peut accomplir:

10,- €Traitement médical de brûlures

25,- € – Dotation de couvertures de survie pour 25 personnes

50,- €Achat de 5 gilets de sauvetage

100,- €Traitement médical d’une personne fortement déshydratée

150,- €Traitement médical d’un enfant gravement déshydraté

500,- €Un radeau de sauvetage pour sauver jusqu’à 60 personnes de la noyade.


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Veuillez noter que ces publications sont pour l’instant seulement disponible en anglais et allemand.
Photo: Felix Weiss